5 Tips to Overcome Teenage Anxiety

Ever wonder what would be different if you had the tools to help you overcome anxiety while you were feeling anxious?

Everyone experiences anxiety to one degree or another. But how you handle it and what you do to overcome it, determines whether or not that feeling lingers.

And if you’re unsure about what anxiety is or how it may show up, here are some common signs:

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense.

  • Feeling irritable.

  • Increase in heart rate and in breath.

  • Trouble concentrating.

  • Excessive worrying.

  • Unexplained pains - headaches, stomachaches, muscle aches.

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep.

One thing to note:

There is a big difference between anxiety that is considered normal vs. clinical. When I talk about anxiety, I am referring to the day-to-day anxiety that teenagers experience.

I am referring to the anxiety that shows up as a normal reaction to different events and situations in our lives. It is a manageable amount of anxiety that can be triggered by an upcoming test, a move or from being bullied at school.

Clinical anxiety is when the feelings become unmanageable. It is when those feelings interrupts with your daily life functions for example, refusing to go to school over a long period of time.

Normal anxiety

  • Relates to a specific problem and/or situation.

  • Lasts for as long as the problem and/or situation does.

  • Is a realistic reaction to the situation that you’re currently experiencing.

If you’re experiencing normal anxiety, here are 5 tips to help you overcome the feelings of overwhelm:

  1. Take a few deep breaths using the box breathing relaxation technique.

    Often times when we’re feeling anxious, we get so caught up with the thoughts in our head that we forget how to breathe. Taking the time to re-centre yourself is a great tool to calm you down in moments of worry. When we can decrease our heart rate and return to base line, we become more likely to respond to events rather than to react to them.

  2. Watch this video to help you detach from your overwhelming thoughts.

    Our thoughts elicit a sense of fear because we think they are our reality. We worry that because we keep on thinking about a specific thought, it is true. However, that is not the case. We are not our thoughts, and that is simply our mind. The goal however, is to become an observer of these thoughts, just like a back-seat driver. When you’re able to do so, your levels of anxiety will naturally decrease because you’re able to detach yourself and recognize what is true vs. untrue. In this space is where you gain back control.

  3. Shift your inner dialogue.

    When we do not have control over our inner dialogue, aka the voice inside our head, is when we feel overwhelmed, anxious and uneasy. However, if we’re able to notice our thoughts, we’re also able to change what they’re saying. Below are some examples to help you reframe your thinking in moments of anxiety:

    Why does this keep on happening? - What is this experience teaching me?

    What am I doing wrong? - What is no longer working?

    Why me? - How can I use this as an opportunity to change?

    I feel so overwhelmed - I exhale all my worries and let go of the thoughts that no longer serve me.

    This situation sucks - I overcome any and all obstacles in my life.

  4. Create a list of affirming affirmations.

    Affirmations are a great resource that you can use to align with what you desire. They are written statements that provide you with emotional support and encouragement. The key to these statements is not only to say them, but to feel the emotion behind each affirmation. Here are a few examples:

    I am safe and sound, and all is well.

    I am resilient, strong and resourceful.

    I release self-judgement and accept myself for who I am.

    I stand up for myself because I matter.

    I am whole, resourceful and exactly where I need to be.

  5. Get physical to help shake off the feelings of anxiety.

    Engaging in physical activity like regular exercise is a great way to ease anxiety. This is because it releases feel-good endorphins that enhance your well-being. It improves your mood and is like a meditation, just in motion.

    If you’re up for it, try this 10-minute mindful walking meditation.


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